Patrick-D. Kaethner
Patrick-D. Kaethner contributed in more than 180 film and TV productions, including „The Pianist“, and „The Ghostwriter“ (Roman Polanski), „The Reader“ (Stephen Daldry), „Bad Banks” (Christian Schwochow), „WhoAmI – No system is safe“, and “Dark“ (Baran Bo Odar).
After attending the Steadicam workshop in Philadelphia/Chester Springs in 2000 with the inventor of the Steadicam Garret Brown, he began working as an independent Steadicam operator and owner. He participated in various screen writing and camera workshops among Slawomir Idziak and Karl-Walter Lindenlaub.
As of 2018 he exclusively focuses on the work as Director of Photography though (e.g., “You Are Wanted” and “Takeover” as projects).
He worked on sets all around the world, with locations such as Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, Uruguay, Germany, Romania, Austria, and Malta.
Patrick-D. Kaethner is represented by Carole Sonderegger.